Sunday, October 28, 2018


With all the credits given to Jokowi administration by the IMF and the like, it is nice to look back and see how the administration had planned the economy well and put everything almost right. Below are two excerpts from one of Bank Indonesia’s 2018 Quarterly Reports I translated into English. The original version in Indonesian comes in the last two paragraphs below. By taking into account last year's and ongoing conditions, prospect and risk of the economy ahead, on February 14 and 15, 2018, the Board of Bank Indonesia decided to maintain the 7-day Reverse Repo Rate at 4.25%, the Deposit Facility rate at 3.50%, and the Lending Facility rate at 5.50%, all effective as of February 19, 2018. The decision was consistent with efforts by Bank Indonesia to maintain stability in the macro economy and the financial system and at the same time to support the momentum for economic recovery. The central bank understands that having loosened the monetary policy proved necessary to push the momentum for domestic economic recovery. Ahead, Bank Indonesia believes that a stable economy is the main foundation for stronger and sustainable growth. Several risks, external and internal, still need monitoring. The external risks include an unexpected increase in the FFR and the global oil price. The internal risks include the ongoing corporate consolidation, sluggish banking intermediacy, and inflation. Bearing that in mind, Bank Indonesia will optimize mix of the monetary policy, the macro prudentials, and the payment system to keep both the macro economy and financial system balanced with regard to the ongoing economic recovery. Berdasarkan kondisi perekonomian terkini serta prospek dan risiko ke depan, Rapat Dewan Gubernur (RDG) Bank Indonesia pada 14-15 Februari 2018 memutuskan untuk mempertahankan BI 7-day Reverse Repo Rate tetap sebesar 4,25%, dengan suku bunga Deposit Facility tetap sebesar 3,50% dan Lending Facility tetap sebesar 5,00%, berlaku efektif sejak 19 Februari 2018. Kebijakan tersebut konsisten dengan upaya menjaga stabilitas makroekonomi dan sistem keuangan serta turut mendukung pemulihan ekonomi domestik. Bank Indonesia memandang bahwa pelonggaran kebijakan moneter yang telah ditempuh sebelumnya telah memadai untuk terus mendorong momentum pemulihan ekonomi domestik. Ke depan, Bank Indonesia meyakini bahwa terjaganya stabilitas perekonomian menjadi landasan utama bagi terciptanya pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih kuat dan berkelanjutan. Sejumlah risiko tetap perlu diwaspadai, baik yang bersumber dari eksternal seperti peningkatan ketidakpastian pasar keuangan global terkait ekspektasi kenaikan Fed Fund Rate (FFR) yang lebih tinggi dari perkiraan dan peningkatan harga minyak dunia, maupun dari dalam negeri terkait konsolidasi korporasi yang terus berlanjut, intermediasi perbankan yang belum kuat dan risiko inflasi. Untuk itu, Bank Indonesia akan terus mengoptimalkan bauran kebijakan moneter, makroprudensial, dan sistem pembayaran untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara stabilitas makroekonomi dan sistem keuangan dengan proses pemulihan ekonomi yang sedang berlangsung.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I always love this I don't know why. Facebook, Twitter and a bunch of social medias have successfully turned me away from it but they have so far never made me more passionate to tell more of myself than this blog. I was burnt with all noises I found and made on Blackberry Messenger and suddenly I was like I wanted to be alone, away from those and to be closer to my own self. Like now. Looking back, I know that I did not do enough in 2012 to do so. This blog shows.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


It is a funny feeling when writing your thought was what you used to do and with no reason you abandoned it. Then like an old habit that can never give up on you, it just comes back.

It happened to me. I wrote everything. I wrote serious and stupid things. I remember when I could not contain myself and started writing as soon as I heard that a bunch of religious bigots took the law into their own hand because they disagreed with someone intrepreting verses in their holy book. I also tried to amuse myself and others, if it ever worked, by writing all the craze young girls are into because of what whitening lotion can do to their dark skin.

And here I am again, being ever more passionate after all this time to write again. It is not that I stopped doing what I love because I found it pointless; it was so much to write about but I did not know where to start from. Trying to find the perfect start I have been and I realized more than a year has passed; that provoking ideas have been nagging my conscience restlessly to be exposed and discussed openly.

I hope this is not another temporary demise.

Friday, February 19, 2010




I think you have fallen in love with some of them. I have. Every time someone asks me what makes me stay tuned, I will say that it is not the program but the commercials. I love A Mild ones as they amuse with critical display of what has been going on unresolved in our daily life. One version shows you all the daunting red tapes one would face when he has to obtain some permit or something, with all these officers' working efficiency is equivalent with how much money they are offered. How the product's another ad shows how we handle all this recurring flood also exposes the government as our best laughing stock.

Now let's get serious with those ads that pervert us, if I may say that way as they are corrupt and misleading and the government, again, has been the late party seeing it coming.

Those whitening lotions are the most troublesome, to me. I think they really need some restraints as they have been successfully encouraging ideas to women that the fairer skin they have got the better their life is. Displays like a woman having grim days when she still keeps that old dark skin and when she turns to be a joyful, more confident figure after she has used those whitening lotions (in seven days??!) are really sickening. You can imagine how their ideas would do even more to they young minds since their airing is not limited to certain hour slots like that of cigarettes. If some think that these FMG companies are wasting money airing their products, then somebody has to explain to us how they have paid and intensified the commercial.

Next are motorcycles or scooter ads. They have bombarded us with the idea that being fast is all that matters when it comes to riding this bebek. Well, the one with Valentino Rossi should tell us their message then. Everybody is being made oblivious how dangerous it is at the same time as motorcycle-related accidents just claim lives (or limbs) everyday. The simple truth is motorcycles have never been a safe mode of transportation. Come to any developed countries, or Japan, where Yamaha and Suzuki and Honda should roam the street more than they do here and you will not find only a very few ride. Mostly its use is so limited like, you know, you ran out of sugar and you feel like the Indomaret or Alfamart is not within your walking distance, though it is still in your neighborhood, then you use the motorcycle. It is nothing more than a motorized bicycle for doing stuff around your neighborhood and not for commuting nor long-distance travel.
The manufacturers may argue that it is the careless riding that causes all the accidents but when it comes to which is safer, of course, they must agree that the two-wheeled simply can not beat the four-wheeled. And so far, they have never included safety as an intrinsic property attached to motorcycle riding; they have come with one message only: SPEED.

And how about the other sickening ads? Well, we will have to wait for the 2014 general election when all political parties come up with the absurdly same message: prosperity and justice for all and of course, a clean government.

the thought you read above is also published by The Jakarta Post March 23, 2010.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I know why people love the day but what confuses me much more than anything is that it can be an excuse to generate hate for some.

You may dislike Independence Day; you've got all the reason that there is nothing so independence as you are more enslaved with life difficulties than ever before. Ten years ago, your month salary was enough to pay groceries and movies and school but now you can spend it all only for your groceries.

But to despise Valentine, it takes life. I mean, the day is like a reminder that the beast inside should be tamed or put to rest, at least for one day.Unfortunately, some just do not share the same idea and love to hate love.

Their one classic argument is that you do not need to wait for one day to love and spend the other 364 days hurting one. OK, fine. But when asked why it is wrong if I make it more special than those other special days, then they become dumb. They should have told me at the first place that they fail to express emotion for the loved one.

The next most-heard is it is a pagan practice and you are guaranteed with the eternal hell if you take part. Well, I do not understand this. Is there so called virtue exclusively owned by one faith? I mean, if you do good for someone, like a chance to telling him or her I love you, then I will just go to hell for that?! Then, it is like if you tell him I love you, you go to hell and if you tell him I hate you, you go to heaven.

The last is the notion they throw at you that it is materialistic. Again, I am confused. If I give something, in this special day, to someone to show my respect or love, then it is normal. Some may either give or may not give a gift to show the love and I am fine with that. If they say materials are not the sincere form of true love, I agree. But who are they to judge that there is no sincerity in the giving?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Independence Gone Undelivered

The problem with Independence Day is that you did something grand and you claim that there is no way you could go back to the time you were not independent. It is like a moment in time you entered, or a line you crossed, that brands you are liberated and no more enslaved.

But as it hit sixty four years last Monday, am I mentally imprisoned to think that I am more and more captivated with whatever it is not independent, that I become disillusioned with the claim “I am free”? One such is the increasing apprehension of freedom to expressing and practicing faith. Last Saturday Aug 15, 2009, the Post reported that a group of people in Tangerang threatened one minority who held their religious service move out of the area or get their consequences and this kind of anarchy seems to have just been replicated all the time with impunity. This is serious in its nature because how I express my faith does not have to be the same with another’s template for faith practices and this would not have been unbelievably prevalent were the government taking serious measure against those who threaten and vandalize in the name of God. However, here political correctness has not allowed the government to say what it has to say when it comes to the minority’s belief.

Then came security. Ten years ago, I worried the least about the security, my own security. I am not saying no muggers were lurking behind but at least I was secure to know that no one would blow off himself in a public place. With the bombing of the supposedly tight security of JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton, I, if not everybody, am made confirmed that no place is safe and now a prisoner of my thought of terror. You could never say this is Independence.

But what has been taking me away is that the so called increasing costs of living; they disown me more and more of my times as I commemorate this Independence. Prices of daily needs, health, education, and housing have gone up so sky-high they do not bother me catching up haplessly; no matter how many hours I spend making money. I found myself chained to barely survive the day by working longer hours day after day month after month. To my knowledge it takes so much more than it did to enjoy whatever level of life quality I would like to choose. Somebody raised kids and was not bothered by what I am like expensive baby diapers, expensive schools, expensive everything; some ads have even suggested that I put money down payment and make installment for my casket to anticipate my death; they say on the spot price is beyond my reach and I know they just knew how to worry me to death. This Independence is not liberating me , at t least from the anxiety about if I can live a decent life.